With so many options, understanding hard builder gels can be tricky. Let’s simplify it for you: there are four main types of hard builder gels at Gellifique, each unique in consistency, texture/ viscosity (choose your preferred term!), hardness (literally how much it resists bending), and suitability for different services.
Click here to watch our unboxing video on YouTube and discover the device’s unique features.In recent years, it's become clear that using a lamp specifically matched to your gel brand is crucial. UV/LED gel nail formulas have evolved significantly, and with the ongoing changes in cosmetic regulations, these formulas will continue to adapt. Ensuring that your lamp is aligned with these innovations is key to achieving the best results.
For the best adhesion, start with a clean manicure and choose the right base coat or builder gel for your client’s nail type. (Read more about selecting the perfect builder gel on our blog here.)
Special offer for newsletter subscribers: Get 30% off Apex Build with the code AB30Nail service is all about following the correct steps; skipping one can affect the overall result. Didn't notice fluff and top coated? It's now sealed into your gel manicure forever. Or worse, picked the wrong base for the natural nails and now we are doing free nail repairs. Choosing the right base product and clean prep significantly improves the chances of having 0 repairs and no nail damage in the long run.
Learn More About Our Light Structure Builder Gel In today's market, terms like 'vegan' and 'hypoallergenic' dominate product marketing, but what about the actual product features? Many gel formulas remain outdated despite advancements in UV/LED resin technology over the past decade. While these innovations have made products easier to use, not all brands have embraced them, particularly in the realm of hard gel formulas.
Die ständig wachsende Landschaft der Nagelindustrie und ihre Vielzahl innovativer Produkte zu navigieren, kann sich anfühlen wie das Erkunden unbekannten Terrains. Flüssiges Polygel in einer Flasche, farbige Überlacke, die auch als Aufbauschichten dienen - die Liste ist lang. Während Marken den neuesten Trends hinterherjagen, bleiben wir unserer Verpflichtung zur Qualität treu. Mit über einem Jahrzehnt an Produktionserfahrung haben wir gelernt, dass das Drei-Phasen-Gelsystem - Grundierung, Farbschicht und Überlack - seit den 90ern den Test der Zeit bestanden hat.
Bei der Auswahl Ihres Nagelhautschiebers ist Präzision entscheidend. Das Eponychium, eine dünne Hautschicht, verfügt über einen empfindlichen Übergangsbereich, an dem die laterale Nagelfalte beginnt. Diese Region ist stark vaskularisiert und anfällig für Verletzungen oder Abschürfungen, wenn sie versehentlich von einem Nagelvorbereitungswerkzeug mit scharfen Ecken berührt wird.
Wir haben kürzlich ein Instagram Reel über die Farbseparation bei Pinselaufbau-Farben gemacht. Wir wurden erstmals auf dieses Problem aufmerksam, als uns eine Kollegin ein Muster zeigte, das sie in einem PR-Paket von einer anderen Marke erhalten hatte und das ernsthafte Farbseparationen aufwies. Zunächst haben wir es als ein Produkt abgetan, das sein PAO (Zeitraum nach dem Öffnen) überschritten hatte, und angenommen, es handele sich nur um eine ältere Charge, die sie versuchten zu verwenden, da es als PR gesendet wurde.
Das Zuhören der Wünsche unserer Kunden ist entscheidend; ohne ihr Feedback hätten wir keine Nagelgeschäfte. Ein geschickter Nageltechniker muss jedoch eine klare Liste von Dos und Don'ts im Kopf haben. Dieses Wissen ist entscheidend, um selbstbewusst zu beraten, wenn bestimmte Anfragen möglicherweise nicht machbar oder ratsam sind, insbesondere bei komplexeren Formen wie der Mandel.
Unser jüngster Instagram-Beitrag hat viel Unterstützung aus der Nagel-Community erhalten, und es ist großartig zu hören, dass viele von Ihnen echtes, theoretisches Wissen begrüßen, anstatt mit Marketingbotschaften gefüttert zu werden. Klicken Sie hier, um ihn zu lesen.
When you notice chipping at the free edge of your gel nail enhancements, it's easy to assume it's about product adhesion or the application technique. However, many factors can affect the longevity of gel nail enhancements, and some of them are tied to the physiological characteristics of the nail plate, which can cause the gel coating to lift off the nail.
The nail industry is currently one of the best career paths to embark on, thanks to the incredible array of fantastic products available on the market. Now more than ever, there is a heightened emphasis on education and the use of quality products and tools. However, despite its lucrative career opportunities and a welcoming nail community, this field can often feel isolating due to the nature of predominantly being self-employed. Moreover, the competitive atmosphere among brands supplying professional products and their ambassadors is often rife with fearmongering.
The nail industry has undergone significant changes in recent years. Much like the evolving Instagram algorithm, the landscape of this industry continually shifts. Manufacturers, retailers, and customers have been learning from past mistakes and adopting new technologies. These are challenging times, but they're also filled with excitement. There's an unprecedented eagerness among NTs to understand the intricacies of products, their formulations, and their application.
Follow us or subscribe on Instagram.Following our Instagram post last week, a question arises: how much of the old product should you remove during a gel infill/re-balance, and why?
Choosing the right base coat or strengthening product underpins the longevity of your gel nail enhancement. A wrongly selected base gel will cause product lifting and peeling either because it will not give enough flexibility to the natural nail or be too rigid for the natural nail.
At Gellifique, we firmly believe every business owner should use their time intentionally. Whether you use Instagram for relaxation after a busy day, for inspiration from trending nail designs, or as a marketing tool for your clientele, we've all experienced those moments of endless scrolling or falling into the comparison trap.
Just as with the pH level in our Smart Base, we've certainly raised eyebrows by adding Vitamin E into a UV/LED curable nail product. However, the truth is, while Vitamin E gets encapsulated within the cured polymer matrix, it neither solidifies nor loses its inherent properties. Depending on the formulation, Vitamin E can offer benefits to the nail bed and surrounding areas over time. Given our goal for the Smart Base, the inclusion of a vitamin is a fantastic product enhancement aimed at helping the natural nail restore and improve over time.
We are delighted to announce the launch of our educational subscription service, exclusively on our Instagram account, starting in September 2023. We encourage you to join at the outset in September, as the content has been meticulously designed to progress from fundamental basics to more advanced theories and techniques—it’s a structured learning journey tailored for you. That's right, we’re offering much more than just eye-catching images and product launches.
On social media platforms like Facebook, we've seen nail technitians sharing stories and inquiries about this sudden nail plate separation phenomenon. Often, there are no itching or blistering symptoms, just the separation itself. Both customers and nail technicians have been left distressed, questioning their techniques and the products they've been using. We want to emphasize that there isn't a single cause, and it's crucial to identify the exact factor to prevent recurrence.
Bei Gellifique sind wir stolz darauf, ein KMU zu sein, das sich weigert, den Trends größerer Wettbewerber zu folgen. Wir glauben, dass unser störendes Verhalten in der Branche erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat. Dennoch liegt unser Fokus weiterhin auf der Bereitstellung außergewöhnlicher Qualität und Innovation bei unseren UV-/LED-Gel-Nagelprodukten. Lassen Sie uns heute über den pH-Wert sprechen.